Sunday 12 June 2011

TIMELINE (for 7th June e-hand in)

A very sucessful timeline planning meeting tonight, ripping up paper with my key objectives.
(many thanks to Dazz for helping with this)
Next stage: making an A1 timeline/planner for the bedroom wall! 

1-1 Tutorial beginning on 16th June and repeating every fortnight

Journal Review beginning (in theory) on 23rd June and repeating every Fortnight


1 – Research and gain hard facts and figures regarding hearing loss in clubs

2 – Create presentation pack for collaborators and feedback sources

3 – Design name and branding for project

4 – 23rd JUNE - Appointment with materials and produce

5 – Make wall plan of objectives and timeline

6 – Survey general public regarding aims and objectives of project
 (earplug review)

7 – Design and create new artefact

8 – Interview general public possibly club reading (revs)

9 – 16th – 22nd JULY – Time allocated to preparing for job interview

10 – Make contact with relevant sound industry companies

11 – Further iteration of artefact and rebuild if needed

12 – Re-evaluate and review

13 – Investigate and hold small exhibition for public feedback from artefact

14 – Budget time for planning and meeting
Re: mini exhibition with F/T students

15 – Have created artefact and gained feedback via external review

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