Wednesday 9 November 2011

Cyber Select - display stand build

Numerous conversations with technical people about what I need for my display stand, for the idea I want to have working:

Hello Rachel

This should confirm our conversation.

I have tested the ABA-1D speaker level switch using a line level signal. This didn’t seem to cause the audio output to deteriorate noticeably and I believe in your situation this should work.

I would suggest that when this system is installed that the switch is mounted in a metal box (or a metal foil lined plastic box). This would help prevent any external interference being introduced to the signal.  I would also suggest that all terminations into this are kept as short as possible.

When you receive the unit it would be advisable to test the unit as I have on the bench prior to installation to make sure that you are happy with the quality you are getting.

If you find that it is not suitable you have a 7 day period to return the unit for a refund. Please ensure that the products and packaging are kept in good condition for this possibility. Both units can be removed from the boxes without damage to the packaging itself.

James S Davis

CyberSelect Ltd 
technology for the home

Tel:      (01603) 660901

4 Upper Goat Lane, Norwich, NR2 1EW
Reg: 3832832

Tuesday 8 November 2011


650 word proforma sent? yes. full bibliography written? yes
artefact finally visualised and ready to build? YES!!! Thankyou team bear and hog! I finally have a feeling that I can actually do this!

Monday 7 November 2011

Don't Lose the Music - 2011 statistics

Results are in from Chris!

1,029 participants

15 and under               61                    5.9%
16-24                           480                  46.6%
25-34                           250                  24.3%
35-44                           138                  13.4%
45-60                           62                    6.0%
60+                              2                      0.2%
Unknown                     36                    3.5%

Male                            355                  34.5%
Female                        594                  57.7%
Unknown                     80                    7.8%

Q1 Do you know what ‘tinnitus’ is?
Yes                              630                  61.2%
No                               398                  38.7%

Q2 Which of the following do you think tinnitus is?
A repetitive strain injury                                 11                    1.1%
A constant noise or ringing in the ears            958                  93.1%
An allergy to some metals                               23                    2.2%
Don’t know/blank                                           37                    3.5%

Q3 Does it matter to you if you damage your hearing due to loud music?
Yes                              908                  88.2%
No                               117                  11.4%
Don’t know                 4                      0.4%

Q4 (If answered yes) Have you ever worn earplugs to protect your hearing while listening to loud music?
Yes                              308                  33.9%
No                               684                  66.1%

Q5 Have your ears ever  hurt because a live concert was so loud?
Yes                              578                  56.2%
No                               434                  42.2%

Q7 Do you think there is a cure for  tinnitus?
Yes                              68                    6.6%
No                               868                  84.3%
Don't know                 81                    7.9%

Q8 Do you think there is a cure for hearing loss?
Yes                               94                    9.1%
No                                892                  86.7%
Don't know                  24                    2.3%
Depends                      18                    1.7%

Urgent email to Chris White, RNID

Got to send my proforma text tomorrow and I still haven't been sent the 2011 statistics from RNID, kind of crucial to supporting my WHY so I can compare and refer to the 2010 statistics, so another email to Chris with the word 'urgent' included, I really hope I get some forward motion with this. 
Amazing how long it can take to get action when relying on outside sources sometimes :-(

Hi Chris, 

I kind of urgently need the 2011 statistics, my submission is to the exam board this week ( I have to send by midnight tomorrow) and this is very important information to go towards supporting my evidence and identifying the problem area of hearing protection and loud music, please is it possible to send them on today or tomorrow? 

Many thanks and yours hopefully, 

Saturday 5 November 2011

Eventful saturday

Mental breakdown of paralysis and hysteria until about 2:30 pm? oh yes.
Luckily my personal tutor / superhero best friend came to the rescue and salvaged my sanity. That and 4 cups of coffee, a shot of marzipan and poaching a duck egg.
Now I have fully planned the design / build plan for my display stand.
No more acrylic, MDF wood and black gloss paint, easier for working with and my dad can help me build it :-)
NDA documents ready to send out.
Purchased AB switch and volume control switch, for setting in my stand for manipulationg the audio feed (to be recorded in chris' studio next saturday)
List of priority tasks written up until next friday.
Patent half written, got as far as the line drawing and parking it to make a start on the WHAT of my proforma submission for next tuesday, before it was time to go and buy some food from sainsburys to feed my hungry tutor and have a break.
Early start tomorrow, I'm off to homebase to hit a tree and get some wood for my stand.
3 x 90x90 cm and 1 x 170x90 cm. Also MDF primer and black gloss paint.
Dad will be over with the tool kit to help me build in the afternoon.
Looking... promising again. For now.

Friday 4 November 2011

October 'checklist'

This was sent out in an email from one of the course leaders.
I must say, I was quite bitter when filling it in.
I hate how "quantity" is what defines so many things. I must say I completely feel against it and I have no qualms in saying the truth that actually no - I don't tick these boxes. I have defined my own boxes as my journey has progressed and no there is nothing wrong about that. Because my journey is probably one of the most beneficial and significant of my life and none of that was down to 'how many diaries' or 'how many artefacts' I have.

If I've got this wrong fail me now. But everything that this course stands for and has been trying to show us all for the last two years, is that everyone finds their journey differently / in their own way. My reflective journal wouldn't be honest if it had a forced synopsis to order every three weeks for example.
It's not something you can apply a check box of quantity to in order to measure the success of that individual's journey and reflection.

Therefore, this document is completely ineffectual. It is as if this little form wasn't anything to do with the people who actually understand and run this course, and was actually a forced instigation of someone who lives by boxes and lines and has no understanding for this MA.

So actually, I am happy to not tick the boxes in this 'checklist'.

Additional thought: I'd love to know the WWHI proforma behind the decision of "4" being an
acceptable minimum quantity of artefacts for a journey to be successful.