Friday 4 November 2011

October 'checklist'

This was sent out in an email from one of the course leaders.
I must say, I was quite bitter when filling it in.
I hate how "quantity" is what defines so many things. I must say I completely feel against it and I have no qualms in saying the truth that actually no - I don't tick these boxes. I have defined my own boxes as my journey has progressed and no there is nothing wrong about that. Because my journey is probably one of the most beneficial and significant of my life and none of that was down to 'how many diaries' or 'how many artefacts' I have.

If I've got this wrong fail me now. But everything that this course stands for and has been trying to show us all for the last two years, is that everyone finds their journey differently / in their own way. My reflective journal wouldn't be honest if it had a forced synopsis to order every three weeks for example.
It's not something you can apply a check box of quantity to in order to measure the success of that individual's journey and reflection.

Therefore, this document is completely ineffectual. It is as if this little form wasn't anything to do with the people who actually understand and run this course, and was actually a forced instigation of someone who lives by boxes and lines and has no understanding for this MA.

So actually, I am happy to not tick the boxes in this 'checklist'.

Additional thought: I'd love to know the WWHI proforma behind the decision of "4" being an
acceptable minimum quantity of artefacts for a journey to be successful. 

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