Saturday 5 November 2011

Eventful saturday

Mental breakdown of paralysis and hysteria until about 2:30 pm? oh yes.
Luckily my personal tutor / superhero best friend came to the rescue and salvaged my sanity. That and 4 cups of coffee, a shot of marzipan and poaching a duck egg.
Now I have fully planned the design / build plan for my display stand.
No more acrylic, MDF wood and black gloss paint, easier for working with and my dad can help me build it :-)
NDA documents ready to send out.
Purchased AB switch and volume control switch, for setting in my stand for manipulationg the audio feed (to be recorded in chris' studio next saturday)
List of priority tasks written up until next friday.
Patent half written, got as far as the line drawing and parking it to make a start on the WHAT of my proforma submission for next tuesday, before it was time to go and buy some food from sainsburys to feed my hungry tutor and have a break.
Early start tomorrow, I'm off to homebase to hit a tree and get some wood for my stand.
3 x 90x90 cm and 1 x 170x90 cm. Also MDF primer and black gloss paint.
Dad will be over with the tool kit to help me build in the afternoon.
Looking... promising again. For now.

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