Friday 27 May 2011

VIVID Sydney

VIVID Sydney: A festival of Light, Music and Ideas
27th May - 13th June 2011
VIVID Sydney

A light sculpture on display at VIVID that reacts to movement.
Artifical Light Form

I really wish I could afford to drop everything and get out to Sydney to see this event.

Thursday 26 May 2011

INSPIRATION: Johanna Basford, CR Graduate Guide 2011

Just read this graduate's story in the 2011 Graduate Guide in June issue of CR, and I am absolutely inspired, how far the imagination can really take you. Very helpful advice about preparing for the graduation degree show as well.

Key points taken from article:

1. wrote letters to 100 studios I wanted to work for, sending them an invitation to come and see my work at New Designers in London

2. handful of studios came along, saw my work and offered placements, or invited me to freelance

3. sending a letter and tangible work had much more appeal than a standard email and pdf attached

4. hand printed invitations and mini sample books to give away instead of business cards

5. adding a blog to my website, aside from twitter it's my strongest marketing tool. Great way to tell people about my work and my practice, allows me to show people what I'm working on.

Johanna Basford

RESEARCH: materials and produce booking

Copy of email from Jess, have a booked a 1-1 session with both Jess and Margaret to explore sound reactive materials available for my artefact production.

fromJess Lertvilai
toRachel Dunscombe <>
date20 May 2011 12:50
subjectRE: booking a one-one session?

Hi Rachel,

Thursday, June 23rd at 4:00pm in the Materials & Products Collection at CSM-Southampton Row is fine.

I will see you on the 23rd.  Have a good weekend.

Talk soon,



17 May 2011 progress report feedback proforma
Please complete and return to the student on or before 17 May 2011. (You should have received your students’ reports by 10 May)
Rachael Dunscombe

Research question:
How can you represent electronic music to the other senses in order to enhance our enjoyment and experience of said music?

Define what ‘represent’, ‘other senses’ and ‘enhance our enjoyment’ might mean.


What is the role and degree of influence for each?

COLLABORATORS TO DATE? (where applicable)

What is the ‘danger zone’ and why does it feel dangerous?


Is there any new evidence from testing or discussions?
The new WHY – this is fascinating, do you have the statistical evidence to support the value of this position, e.g. injury from music, loud noises etc?   Try the NHS, DTI, DCME web sites.




Can you specify the issues listed?
Have you checked out similar products already on the market, e.g. multi media game chairs?


These are all style based issues, what about the range and depth of information required?


What is your overall evaluation of the student’s work AT THIS STAGE?
0      2    3    4
0= Unsatisfactory; 1= Satisfactory; 2= good; 3= Very good; 4=Outstanding

Please use between 2 and 6 (maximum) bullet points

Backwards spiral – reconcieve your visualisation as part of the progressive iterative process.

What are you reading, visiting, etc?  It is important to keep a full and detailed bibliography.  Check the library web site for guidance on Harvard referencing.

Blog / diary – it is important to keep working on the diary, take care no to let the blog become a distraction or displacement activity.  Work out how it can help the research process and reflect on these issues in your diary.

Coach – who is this and how do you define their role?

Too late – it is never too late so long as you reflect on the process so far and see all the elements as part of the journey rather than false starts.

Web site research - well done to be so enthusiastic, remember to keep all the reference details and reflect on your findings.

Pioneer, Alpine and Bose – these sound like excellent places to go for feedback.  You do not have to go with fully resolved ideas.  However, it may be useful to check out the advice on the Own-it web site for non-disclosure agreements and if these are necessary?

Well done and keep going.

Wednesday 25 May 2011

MEETING: Exhibition meeting with FT cohort & tutors (Tuesday 24th)

What to DO
What NOT to do

Team 1: VENUE

Tuesday 24 May 2011

EVENT: lost my way

Grandad has died........  I have completely fallen off my journey and lost my way :-( don't know if I can find it again

Thursday 19 May 2011

MUSIC: Filmic, Above & Beyond

A&B TV (Music: Filmic, Group Therapy album)

No matter how many times I listen to this piece of music, every single hair on my body raises as I hear it.
Why do we have such strong physical reactions to certain pieces of sound and music?

Wednesday 18 May 2011

MUSIC: Above and Beyond Group Therapy

Just ordered :-)
Above and Beyond Group Therapy (limited edition)
Group Therapy - hub (song samples)

Email to Liz (personal tutor)

toTUTOR_Liz Wright <>,
date18 May 2011 12:24
subjectupdated proforma and WWHI

hide details 12:24 (1 minute ago)
Hi Liz,

Just to let you know, that as my project has changed so dramatically
since my submission of the proforma last week, I'm going to re-write
it and update it so you are up to date with the state of play. It made
me realise that a number of the comments from Jonas were largely 
redundant due to the fact that I have already almost completely moved 
on since last week. I now have a definite idea, specific focus and my 
online blog is taking off - I can't stop researching, having ideas and 
delving deeper in to my idea. And the question I submitted was more 
of an 'I know this is the wrong question but I need to think of something
vaguely around the subject for the diary of a somebody exhibition'. 
So that is also completely out of date.

The list of website research is growing at a very rapid pace and I'm
impatiently waiting to get home from work so I can have a proper look
later at what's been interesting me today.
I've also been testing the bone conduction in ear headphones that
arrived today, the results and effects on the body are amazing!
So I'm looking forward to testing further and getting a public
response in order for me to focus my project further.
I also have some solid ideas for approaching companies in the industry
who I feel may have an interest in sponsoring me / my project, this is
something I need to plan out and prepare first of course. I am
considering pioneer, alpine and bose as possible options as well as
researching a few more alternatives. As they all develop products
along the lines of where my idea seems to be taking me. So I think it
would be worth approaching them with my idea and see what they have to
say about it.

Hope you are well and will keep you updated when I've had time to
re-write my proforma, so it is an accurate reflection of my plan ahead
Any comments on this will be greatly appreciated!
Take care and speak soon,

RESEARCH: diaphonic earphones

'Inflation' ear buds
Sound and Vision Magazine (diaphonic lens)

** Information sent to me by Dazz, definitely worth some intensive research to understand further. Uses bone conduction technology.



* Wondering if I should attend in order to take the opportunity for a wide scale testing of artefact ideas on general public, electronic enthusiasts as well as any other available opportunity for external review of my project. May not get any 'sensible' feedback however, event plan to consider...

EVENT: Armin Van Buuren - Brixton Academy

Photo link
Armin @ Brixton Academy, Saturday 23rd April 2011

What more can be said? Easter Saturday witnessed the world’s no.1 DJ Armin van Buuren take the roof off the legendary Brixton Academy and we were delighted that you could be a part of it! Armin’s incredible four hour set, amiably assisted by the brilliant Jochen Miller, will go down as one of the great trance events in the capital this year. Photos from the mindblowing event are now online and can be viewed through the links below. With summer beckoning all eyes now shift to the festival season.

EVENT / REFLECTION: Cosmic Sensation - revisited

My most significant research trip for my project in September 2010, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
Cosmic Sensation
Cosmic Sensation event - HD video

Websites of a couple of professional industry contacts I made during my visit:

Barney Broomer (Alphen, The Netherlands)

Aquabest May 14th 2011 (office broomer stage/lighting/sound design)

Mehmet Akten (London)
MSA Visuals

Feedback proforma (17th May)

Year 2
10 May 2011 feedback proforma
For use by students to supply feedback to their own group members
  • You should have received a report from the other members of your group by 10 May. If not, please ask them for it!
  • Please study your group members’ documents and fill in one of these forms for each, then return it to them, copying in your tutor, on or before 17 May.

FEEDBACK TO (STUDENT): Rachel Dunscombe


Quick comment on your question. Not a big fan of the word ‘said music’.  It sounds like a law contract like aforementioned blah blah.  The question also presumes when you say ‘other senses’ that it is the sense of sound that is typical.  I think you need to say it – if I were deaf I would have music represented to me through touch / vibrations.  Finally from our conversation down in the café or some time ago – Why exactly is it necessary to enhance electronic music, ie. What’s wrong with it, and the way we experience it now?  Looking to find out why there is a gab or a need to enhance it (if its external great, if its you personally that wants to then tell us why?)
I know I still have problems with that too – easier said than done.

If you are going to push this you should start looking at the leaders the innovators in the field
Those guys who did the solar / lunar music, quincy jones, whoever – track them down and find out. Looks like you already know that and put it down.

(no more than 3 of each, please)

You have no lack of passion, drive, and interest in this area.  There is relevancy with regards to how people are consuming music (spotify, in gigabytes versus 12 inch vinyl tracks) and thus how music makes one feel correlates to where, with whom, recorded or live,  in what format the music is being projected.  So you have a cleared path now

You have done the leg work in both getting to grips with this new area, mapping out who’s who in the electronic music scene. So building on this with your new direction could be good.

Gaps / threats:

“Feeling Music” conjures up a lot of things to me. There is nostalgia, emotions, release, cathartic use, etc… although it may be a focus for you now it is still quite an open ended concept I think.  We spoke about drugs being an enhancement amongst other things and it looks like you have been looking at damage to the ears through prolonged and loud music.  Point simply is to dig deeper into exactly what you are meaning by Feeling Music, as Liz said define the terms so we know (and you)

You’ve already said it and you are right. You need to get out there and get rocking with the respondents and collaborators.  I have not had trouble doing this and I still have a very brad and ‘save the world’ type question.  However each time someone asks me about the project or I meet with someone new it’s a new opportunity for me to express / contextualise / give my best elevator pitch about what it is I am doing, why, etc  ( I stole this one from my brother so need to give him credit) – If you think about it like that then in some ways its simply what’s the worse that could happen? 

Bone conduction - personal review

Now testing the EX-2 bone conduction headphones for a personal experience.
Facebook status now saying the following:

"listening to Armin with max vibration on bone conduction headphones makes my head, tummy and feet feel slightly crazy! beyond amazing.... :D"

It is a very odd yet powerful and intense effect feeling the beat pulsing inside my own head. Accentuates the rhythm of the music very significantly. Often making my body tingle in response.
My body also instantly responded by creating what felt like an electrical pulse / minor shock almost 'flashing' in my stomach and my feet.

The powerful and energetic beat and bass of the electronic music I am listening to has now become like a life form, alive in my own head. There is also that feeling of being a 'part of' the music and wanting to react to it somehow. It also reminds me in a way, of the very high emotional effects of some of my most significant club experiences, such as when I went to Ministry of Sound to see Above and Beyond, and the Netherlands to see Armin Van Buuren.

There are only two drawbacks I can currently identify:

Firstly, is that the volume does need to be quite loud to get the bone conduction vibration to activate fully, despite the vibration settings on the headphones being at maximum. If the music volume is low, there is no real effect. So the listener would have to be prepared to listen to loud music to benefit from the full experience. Not a problem I suffer with of course, but this may not be suitable for everyone.

Secondly, the bass on the headphones is not actually very high, when you have the full effect of the vibration this clearly substitutes for the lack of bass, but without the volume and therefore the vibration working at 100%, the bass is slightly lacking in comparison to my very 'bass heavy' ear bud headphones.
So likely only to be noticed if you are used to strong levels of bass.

Final point:
It is clear that bone conduction in conjunction with music really does lend itself to music with a strong pulse, beat, rhythm. As well as precise and powerful bass. Basically, bone conduction seems to have been 'made' for electronic music. It is a perfect union.

"Feeling of Reality"

Designers of my body-sonic, bone-conduction earphones that have just arrived this morning.

* Need to now plan how to test in order to gain a wide range of feedback from both general public, club goers and industry professionals, document reactions to feeling sound through bone-conduction.

iFeelu - the company (copied from website)

Based on our technology, which had already been proven to be excellent in the global market, iFeelU aims to become a global leader in the virtual-reality well-being industry. 
We are contributing to the implementation of multimedia reality and to the happiness of the human society.

In January 2006, IFeelU started as a technology-intensive multimedia-component company with many years of accumulated technologies.
We developed and released the first 2.2-channel woofer earphone system and DMS (dynamic multifunction speaker) in the world, which achieved earphones with very small sizes, low power consumption, and high efficiency. Now, we are dynamically exploiting the global market.
iFeelU has various patents and intellectual properties pertaining to its products, which boast the most efficient technology to implement strong sound vibration and bone conduction, with very small sizes and low power consumption. We are now a strong leader in blue-ocean markets and are extending our business areas to a variety of fields, including entertainment, communication, sports, and medical equipment.
We are not satisfied, however, with our present success and will continue to develop our technologies, human resources, and systems to become a global leader.
We will be a true multimedia-reality company and will contribute to the creation of a happy human society.
We wish to express our deep gratitude to all our customers, who have supported and encouraged us at iFeelU, “a young, dreaming company” and “a company creating happiness.”
iFeelU will exert every effort to become a company that brings utmost happiness to the human society.

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Sound Materials (Links)

Sound reactive dress

Sound Reactive Dress. Made with bespoke holographic leather and sound-reactive, animated electroluminescent panels, as the volume rises, the dress illuminates to create ‘visual music’.

What an absolutely fantastic concept!

and this too even if it isn't directly sound related
Illuminated clothing
Silk Taffeta corset and luminex (fibre optic woven fabric) skirt

Email reminder to cohort

date17 May 2011 09:26
subjectemail from paul: exhibition meeting 24th May

Just so everyone sees the email from paul about next week. (see below)
Personally, I would say it's absolutely crucial that we do everything
we can achieve a full turn out next week so our cohort has a full and
united approach to working with the FT students.
If anyone is available an hour before this meeting, say 5 pm next
tuesday, it would be great if some of us could get together for a
prior meeting to discuss any points we want to raise so we can have a
united voice :-) I will be in csm early to visit materials and
produce, so will be available for any prior meeting if anyone else is

Re: tonight, is anyone planning to go to the studio?
We need to send our e-response to last week's feedback forms by the
end of today, but if anyone is around and wants to meet up please let
me know - otherwise I will stay at home today and focus heavily on my
project and artifact, need to update the WWHI and a new question to
focus on for the summer.

Take care everyone,


Degree Show planning meeting, 24 May: 05043M5___Q10-11
Paul Colbeck []
Sent:    17 May 2011 00:03
Attention of Full-Time and Part-time Year Two Students:

An inaugural seminar to begin the process of planning your Degree Show
Exhibition will take place on Tuesday 24 May at 6pm in the Studio.

In December, as you know, your two groups exhibit together on an
entirely joint basis, and you have an individual and collective
responsibility to plan, curate, publicise, and in every way deliver, a
successful show. You will only be able to show your own work in its
best light if you have also contributed to creating a successful show

Whether by participating in marketing, spatial planning, sponsorship,
website building, volunteering to help clean up the space after the
show, or in any other way, you are all expected to participate
according to your abilities and availability.

Full time and Second Year Part-time students, please prioritise your
attendance at this meeting!

Email to Materials and Produce
date17 May 2011 09:42
subjectbooking a one-one session?

Dear Jessica Lertvilai,

My name is Rachel Dunscombe and I'm a second year PT student studying
MA Design Studies / Applied Imagination.
I am in need of some advice for a material with some specific
properties that react to sound waves, that I am hoping to use for my
next artifact build ready for my final exhibition at the end of this
year. As I am part time, and I work in oxford and therefore I have a
two hour commute to london to fit in around my job, I am often not
able to get to the university much earlier than 4 pm and I can never
catch anyone in materials and produce.
I was wondering if I would be able to book a specific session on a
tuesday with someone a little later if at all possible, to discuss my
material needs and if materials and produce might be able to assist me
or advice further? I am available next week (24th) and can try to be
in the university by 4 - 4:30 if this is of any help?

Many thanks and I look forward to hearing from you,
All the best - Rachel.


Wednesday 11 May 2011

Bone conduction

Product I need to test.
What is the effect on us of 'feeling sound' when not in a very loud music environment like a club or a concert?
Need to test the sensation on myself and others.
Would the general public want to 'feel sound'? What is the general reaction?
Target audience: industry professionals in comparison to general public / clubbers?

IFEELU BK Woofer Vibration Headphones