Wednesday 18 May 2011

Email to Liz (personal tutor)

toTUTOR_Liz Wright <>,
date18 May 2011 12:24
subjectupdated proforma and WWHI

hide details 12:24 (1 minute ago)
Hi Liz,

Just to let you know, that as my project has changed so dramatically
since my submission of the proforma last week, I'm going to re-write
it and update it so you are up to date with the state of play. It made
me realise that a number of the comments from Jonas were largely 
redundant due to the fact that I have already almost completely moved 
on since last week. I now have a definite idea, specific focus and my 
online blog is taking off - I can't stop researching, having ideas and 
delving deeper in to my idea. And the question I submitted was more 
of an 'I know this is the wrong question but I need to think of something
vaguely around the subject for the diary of a somebody exhibition'. 
So that is also completely out of date.

The list of website research is growing at a very rapid pace and I'm
impatiently waiting to get home from work so I can have a proper look
later at what's been interesting me today.
I've also been testing the bone conduction in ear headphones that
arrived today, the results and effects on the body are amazing!
So I'm looking forward to testing further and getting a public
response in order for me to focus my project further.
I also have some solid ideas for approaching companies in the industry
who I feel may have an interest in sponsoring me / my project, this is
something I need to plan out and prepare first of course. I am
considering pioneer, alpine and bose as possible options as well as
researching a few more alternatives. As they all develop products
along the lines of where my idea seems to be taking me. So I think it
would be worth approaching them with my idea and see what they have to
say about it.

Hope you are well and will keep you updated when I've had time to
re-write my proforma, so it is an accurate reflection of my plan ahead
Any comments on this will be greatly appreciated!
Take care and speak soon,

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