Tuesday 17 May 2011

Email to Materials and Produce

date17 May 2011 09:42
subjectbooking a one-one session?

Dear Jessica Lertvilai,

My name is Rachel Dunscombe and I'm a second year PT student studying
MA Design Studies / Applied Imagination.
I am in need of some advice for a material with some specific
properties that react to sound waves, that I am hoping to use for my
next artifact build ready for my final exhibition at the end of this
year. As I am part time, and I work in oxford and therefore I have a
two hour commute to london to fit in around my job, I am often not
able to get to the university much earlier than 4 pm and I can never
catch anyone in materials and produce.
I was wondering if I would be able to book a specific session on a
tuesday with someone a little later if at all possible, to discuss my
material needs and if materials and produce might be able to assist me
or advice further? I am available next week (24th) and can try to be
in the university by 4 - 4:30 if this is of any help?

Many thanks and I look forward to hearing from you,
All the best - Rachel.



  1. response:

    Hi Rachel,

    Many thanks for your reply.

    Next Tuesday, I will be in Frankfurt for a Technical Textiles tradeshow. I can meet you on Tuesday, May 31st if you would like? Let me know. I usually work at CSM Tuesdays - Thursdays from 9:30 - 5:00 and I take a one hour lunch break in the afternoon.

    If you are free on Thursday my colleague Margaret Pope will be in the collection as well. She is a material consultant. You could pick both of our brains. Margaret comes in once a term for drop-in sessions and for my development days. I can fit you in between 4:00-4:30. Let me know.

    I also thought these projects might be useful.


    Sound Reactive Dress

    Talk to you soon,


  2. additional response:

    You may also want to review these links,

    Talk to you soon,

