Tuesday 17 May 2011

Email reminder to cohort

date17 May 2011 09:26
subjectemail from paul: exhibition meeting 24th May

Just so everyone sees the email from paul about next week. (see below)
Personally, I would say it's absolutely crucial that we do everything
we can achieve a full turn out next week so our cohort has a full and
united approach to working with the FT students.
If anyone is available an hour before this meeting, say 5 pm next
tuesday, it would be great if some of us could get together for a
prior meeting to discuss any points we want to raise so we can have a
united voice :-) I will be in csm early to visit materials and
produce, so will be available for any prior meeting if anyone else is

Re: tonight, is anyone planning to go to the studio?
We need to send our e-response to last week's feedback forms by the
end of today, but if anyone is around and wants to meet up please let
me know - otherwise I will stay at home today and focus heavily on my
project and artifact, need to update the WWHI and a new question to
focus on for the summer.

Take care everyone,


Degree Show planning meeting, 24 May: 05043M5___Q10-11
Paul Colbeck [p.colbeck@csm.arts.ac.uk]
Sent:    17 May 2011 00:03
Attention of Full-Time and Part-time Year Two Students:

An inaugural seminar to begin the process of planning your Degree Show
Exhibition will take place on Tuesday 24 May at 6pm in the Studio.

In December, as you know, your two groups exhibit together on an
entirely joint basis, and you have an individual and collective
responsibility to plan, curate, publicise, and in every way deliver, a
successful show. You will only be able to show your own work in its
best light if you have also contributed to creating a successful show

Whether by participating in marketing, spatial planning, sponsorship,
website building, volunteering to help clean up the space after the
show, or in any other way, you are all expected to participate
according to your abilities and availability.

Full time and Second Year Part-time students, please prioritise your
attendance at this meeting!

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