Monday 24 October 2011

Email to Andrew McKenna and Jonathon Dicken


date 24 October 2011 17:22
subject Referred by Liz Brueck, HSL (re: hearing protection in music/clubs)

 hide details 17:22 (3 minutes ago)  
Dear Andrew and Jonathon,

My name is Rachel Dunscombe and I'm studying for my MA in Applied Imagination at London Arts Central Saint Martins.

My project is specifically targeting hearing protection in nightclubs as this is a heavily identified problem for clubbers, and how a new approach could actually improve the experience of using hearing protection products and give protection a completely new "image".
I have been liaising with Action on Hearing Loss (previously RNID) and they have given me copies of their 'Don't Lose the Music' and 'Like it Loud' campaign reports. I have also had involvement and feedback from other companies including HSL (Health and Safety Laboratory).
To focus on the target audience, I have also been getting feedback from the clubbing community worldwide, and from professional DJs in the industry including Jono and Tony from Above and Beyond, Dennis Shepherd and Tobias Schuh (Cold Blue) who has also circulated my idea across the german trance forums.
My idea for a new type of protection product has had a wide range of very interested and extremely positive feedback, and is also being supported by Liz Brueck (Senior Noise Scientist, Health and Safety Laboratory) who has identified my proposed idea as a breakthrough in the entertainment industry that has not been done before. I am in the process of getting the patent and legal protection in place. I am also receiving support from other named individuals and also the Ministry of Sound in London.

Liz Brueck advised me of a project that you both led across the Tees Valley local authorities to raise the awareness of the risks to hearing in music and entertainment venues. to hearing in music and entertainment venues. I understand that this report has not been released outside the local government but that I may be able to request a copy of this document via Andrew. I was really hoping you could supply me with a copy of this report, it would be absolutely invaluable to support my research and my project. If I could have a brief chat to either of you about it too so you could pass on your thoughts, that would be fantastic.

My final exam / graduate exhibition is on the first week of December, therefore if you could get back to me as soon as possible and ideally a copy of the report by early november that would be ideal.

Please get in touch if you wish to know more about either myself or my project first.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Many thanks, Rachel.

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