Tuesday 18 October 2011

Email to Tutor and group

Hey everyone,

I have received some key feedback from one of my main external
collaborators, Tobias Schuh who is an international electronic
DJ (Anjunabeats artist) and I got some fantastic comments from him by
sending him an actual feedback Q&A document to fill in and return to
me. Until I did this, he said he wasn't sure what comments would be
helpful to me in feedback so if I had any specific questions he could
answer that would be easier for him to respond. Although I must admit,
the feedback makes me want to make changes to the product or see if I
can, but it's too late now surely - it makes me panic that it will be
impossible to have a clear product idea to communicate in an
exhibition in 7 weeks. I am *seriously* concerned I must admit :-(

Anyway, Tobi is also german and struggles to write in english despite
being able to speak and read it fairly easily, so the feedback is in
german with the translation beneath, thanks to Pete Otto for sticking
around after the exhibition meeting last night and translating for me
Tobi has been a fantastic source, his international fame and fan base has
been getting me a great amount of awareness being raised in germany /
german electronic music forums. If anyone is good with german, this
link is my project on the german trance forum - it's all about my
project that Tobi has been getting reactions and responses on,
something I must also get translated!

If anyone wants to steal the word document as a template to send to
external sources for feedback, please feel free :-) I've found it
really helpful.
Really panicking, Rach.

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