Sunday 30 October 2011

Website banner progress & 3am inspiration

Can't believe I had this image idea for the showcase of my project on the exhibition website, at 3am in bed this morning. I couldn't sleep without drawing it first. Not sure about the random artefact idea, but I imagined a lot of fine glowing led wires (like fiber optic) with the earplugs fed on to the end - lit up like some delicate hedgehog ball of earplugs. Random... but I still need a final artefact for the display stand so I'm making notes of absolutely anything that pops in my head now.

Glad I made the effort to write all this down though, has worked out quite well as I finalised the banner design today and have just submitted to Pete Otto to update on the website.
MA Applied Imagination exhibition website

Email to Pete:

date:30 October 2011 14:02
subject: Re: do you...

Hey Pete,
Attached as follows for website:

Horizontal web banner image: 700x263 pix (spec I found in an email from hun) - just made image today after an idea hit me at 3am this morning and I had to grab paper and pen in bed :-)
Teaser text ideas for banner quote: Enjoyable protection? 
Updated research question: "How can hearing protection in nightclubs be a more desirable product?"

Hope this is all okay, thanks muchly Pete.
Take care, Rach.x 
"Enjoyable protection?"

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