Monday 5 September 2011


An absolutely and hugely successful meeting with Liz Brueck of HSL in Buxton on friday, notes and photos to follow as I really have had *no* time to update yet. After 6 hours of driving at the weekend and a night of no sleep at the hotel thanks to the non-stop traffic on the main road right outside my bedroom window, I was absolutely knackered by the time I got home and mainly collapsed in a brainless stupor until monday morning (today) and to be honest, I'm still not really alive yet. Will update asap - hopefully by wednesday before I forget. Feedback form response from Liz will no doubt help remind me of things I may have forgotten.

But tonight: been working on my mail to Liz following her response today (sent!) the external collaborator feedback form (completed) my bibliography googledoc (updated) and my progress report to send to Tobi with copy of the artefact for him to review and feedback (in progress).
I look forward to collapsing in to bed. New fluffy duvet for sleeping in until 2012 after we graduate.
Long day tomorrow, to hold the last meeting at the studio in CSM.
Must remember to give Bushra the cd with the footage of the 'journey' to the studio, which I filmed a few weeks back for the marketing footage to support our exhibition.
Meeting Hun before the meeting to discuss catalogue design update (sent him and kristian an updated template of the 'fold out' idea, which I communicated in the design notes following the meeting a couple of weeks ago following my meeting with motion printing.

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