Sunday 18 September 2011

Struggle vs legal and timescale

I am officially stuck at a bump.
I need to approach companies about developing my idea now, the app etc (e.g. Reality Jockey)
But in order to do so, because of warning and strong advice from numerous companies I need to have some kind of patent or NDA in place before I get companies involved. Because this has been identified as such a breakthrough idea and potentially a really big new development. But for me to get my product to the next step I need some sort of legal protection to stop my idea being basically taken on by someone else. But the legal process takes time and I am worried this is going to hold me up. Is it really right to be forced to throw away ownership of an new idea for the sake of getting a project ready for an exhibition and to a sign off stage? Because the legal side is going to hold me up and I really don't have the time when there is only 11 weeks left until graduate exhibition time. But it isn't right surely, to let someone else potentially take all the credit for my idea and I lose the ownership just for having something to display at the exhibition. I think I really need to contact my tutor Liz about this, because I have to be very careful with such a big idea that I have been told would be a real breakthrough if it could be taken further forward and used by industry and the military for example. As comments stated from Liz and my visit to HSL.
How do I move forward? Without handing away my idea for someone else to take? How can I get companies involved while also protecting the ownership of my idea?

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