Saturday 10 September 2011

PM & FINANCE (and splat diary covers)

Finally updated basecamp with the meeting minutes from tuesday 6th. Also put up a list for all students to see who has paid their exhibition fee contribution and who hasn't. Finally, sent out an exhibition funds deadline email outlining key costs and requirements to all students. Think I'm finally up to date with the project managing stuff for this week. Tomorrow will be concentrating on website, brand / logo etc in illustrator ready for business cards (thermo print, motion printing) and uploading notes and photos from HSL visit and testing comply foam in the Dairy Studio with Chris Bailey, and his feedback notes on my artefact.

In oxford today, I bought a new diary in paperchase for starting my reflective journal from september, so I am not permenantly behind by catching up the old diary. Instead I will be writing two. But the cover almost matched my uv 'splat wear' idea for clubpouch accessory inspired by my cyberdog skirt. Gave me the idea of making my own splatwear uv rubberpaint material and covering my journals in it. Also bought black gloss bubble envelopes, for some reason I could imagine making the clubpouch out of a material similar to this effect and it would look... amazing. Cut out samples to go in my reflective journal, and possibly a small concept sample of the pouch to be made out of the offcuts.
Plan to approach cyberdog store in london when I have some sample clubpouches made up, see if they would be interested in stocking for a trial of interest / success in popularity etc. Also possible feedback.

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