Monday 26 September 2011

PM - again

Project managing is taking up almost *all* my MA study time... another evening gone in to project managing and I'm beginning to really panic... about my own project and getting it done in time. Only 9 weeks to go and I'm out of time. I seem to be taking care of managing things on my own and it is really taking it's toll. I really hope I get some support and can step back in october when everyone is back.... 

The latest update to all the group:

Next group meeting

From: PM (REP) / F - Rachel Dunscombe
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2011 at 6:16pm
Category: Project Management
There will not be a full group exhibition meeting tomorrow due to the many hurdles of trying to arrange a good location and taking much more time than expected.
I will advise that any individual groups who can meet up to identify and work on the key priorities before we are back for the new term, please do so. As recommended by CSM staff, a fantastic venue for small group meetings is kings place, the building is open to 11pm and is fantastically inspiring - only a few minutes walk from kings cross station and is open to public. See link for further details:
Marketing/curatorial team: Please liaise this week and make sure any deadlines are met, for submitting the advertising artwork to the designers helping us with the creative review advertising space.

People who are going to view the KX exhibition site this thursday (Meg, Verdiana, Rebecca, Juliette, Bushra) please prepare and liase with each other in advance to co-ordinate and identify the key priorities for all group requirements. Make sure you all communicate with Meg about any of the primary needs your group has identified for the exhibition space.  

Venue team: please put together a detailed report of any findings / information identified from your visit on thursday and forward to project management and also prepare something to present to the full group explaining the visit and answering questions.
Which brings me on to my next point: meeting next week. (Tuesday 4th October, 6pm - 8pm)
Thanks to Bushra, I think we may be in business for meeting at the KX site next week in an available space.
I will phone up tomorrow and confirm this for next week, and then make the announcement on here.
A bit short notice to arrange it for this week (tomorrow) unfortunately, but we will make the best of the meeting next week and expect a good turn out.
Thanks everyone and will keep you posted about next week - watch this space,

Reply |Rachel Dunscombe to Bushra

Too short notice for tomorrow of course, but I will give this Amanda a ring tomorrow and see if it can be confirmed for next tuesday pm and give an estimate of numbers etc, then if it's all good I will announce it on basecamp / via email and we will meet there next week for the final exhibition group meeting before we kick off a new term - exciting! Amazing stroke of luck, nice one bushra ;-)
Hi Rachel

When I popped into the CSM building last week, I noticed that there was like a glass box room in front of reception in the foyer, it had a few people sitting there watching a video. For the hell of it, I asked if we could possibly use it for our meeting space and expected absolutely no response what so over.

Whadya know, they responded - please see below. Do you want to take over this conversation with them ?



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