Friday 29 July 2011

Brand name


No idea why this suddenly popped in my head, thinking along the lines of 'trippy effect' for musical experience, technology applied in a new way... seemed to meld together.

The name needs to be catchy and attractive / interesting to the young clubbing public. This seems to be a good place to start, trying to think of a catch line / slogan to go with it.  Or more examples of names, where is Dazz when I need him to brainstorm... he's great at helping me come up with names.

VJ Technology visit


What a fantastic meeting, 5 hour project session with Tom Gunston (Sound and Vibration consultant) invaluable feedback and a completely new angle to my project and idea. 

The very long and fantastic meeting, I've never written so many notes. 

Now renamed as VJ Technology

Ton Gunston, setting up the mic for testing

Live test to see if we could set up a mic recording and
playback of sound levels in a club environment (135+ dB)
One very loud cement drill, still only 108 dB! much quieter.
Good mic recording, but playback on headphones too quiet.

Wednesday 27 July 2011

Exhibition meeting last night

Seemed quite hard work running the session last night... I'm getting the distinct feeling a lot of people are getting annoyed or frustrated, felt a bit like a fight wanting to break out on a few occasions.
Seriously thinking for the next meeting on August 9th to be the 'embracing negativity' session.
Confront the anger and the problems. Ask everyone to fill in a piece of paper with their main concern / problem regarding the exhibition planning to date. Who / what group it's aimed at. Is it a problem that can be answered and addressed there and then?
We need to confront these unspoken frustrations and anger so we can get out our feelings and learn how to move forward and also identify the main problems going on.
I also think it will be important for getting everyone to really 'engage' instead of the same old sit there and listen. People are coming to these meetings but very few seem to engage, this also needs addressing, or there really is no point in coming along in the first place.

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Feedback from Jono and Tony (Above and Beyond)

fromTobias Schuh (Cold Blue)
toRachel Dunscombe <>
date19 July 2011 16:43
subjectFw: Feeling music - ear plugs - high volume at events - clubbing scene

hide details 16:43 (14 minutes ago)
Hey Rachel,
here’s what Jono (A&B) says:
Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2011 5:38 PM
Subject: Re: Feeling music - ear plugs - high volume at events - clubbing scene
A few immediate questions:
As a professional in the industry, what is your experience and
opinion on the use of protection ear plugs? Both for yourself / and
others? (for example, one of my friends who used to work for Ministry
and is now a producer with his own studio and a Hed Kandi DJ, swears
by his alpine plugs and says he never goes to a club/plays a gig
without them)
Use them all the time.  ER-15s.

What is your opinion on ‘feeling’ music when you play a gig? Is
this an experience that has affected you at all? If so, where do you
feel it / how does it effect the experience of  music for you?
Important.  Feeling the bass is key as I think you have correctly identified.  I think it helps people lose their inhibitions somehow in a club environment.  If the music is too quiet, then using earplugs definitely becomes less enjoyable - this does prove a point that with ear plugs in, we tend to want to have the monitors louder in the DJ booth, which isn't always good!

What is your reaction / immediate thoughts to the idea of bone
conduction and potentially a concept protection ear plug that has this
incorporated? For music vibrating through us for a new experience?
Sounds perhaps too niche market.  My personal energy with regard to this would be to push clubs to offer complimentary ear plugs in clubs if we are concerned about peoples' hearing (which we should be).  I can foresee future legislation on noise levels, and I think a good solution would be free ear plugs.

A longer term question, no doubt also strongly depending on your
time and availability of course. But might you be interested in
getting involved with my project further as I progress? Especially
should my concept idea progress to a testable product. For example,
I’ve had the idea of a special one night event where the members of
the public/clubbing community are invited to take part in the testing
of a new experience:  “feeling music” by special arrangement at a club
to host this. I am already in discussion with Ministry of Sound
(meeting in London with Sam Barlow on the 19th July) as well as
Revolution in Reading and a few other local clubs. This of course is
very early days, as I would actually have to have developed something
for people to test. But if you would like to be kept updated and may
be interested in getting involved or would like to support the idea in
any way possible, then that would of course be fantastic :-)

Would need to see the product.  I have to admit my initial reaction is sceptical, since it sounds like too niche a product, and I'm currently happy with the ear plugs I have.
What would have to happen would be for someone to show me a product that would blow me away.  Then things would change!


BTW that's what Tony wrote (I don't think he read the full email):

Hi matey,
The ear plugs we use don't really reduce the bass that much, you feel it through your chest as much as anything!
Has he tried the ones we use (moulded, -15dB) and/or the ones we used to sell (simple, -20dB)?

Soundcloud - survey push

Just noticed that I actually have followers on soundcloud :D and my profile seems to have regular views each week too. So have just decided to blog about my project in my profile description, and push the link for my survey. Can't hurt and I'd really like to get 100 responses if I can. Fingers crossed. x
My Soundcloud profile

Monday 18 July 2011

Survey progress

61 hardcore clubbers and counting, this progress is mainly thanks to Chris and Tobi! Thankyou so much for your help guys. Couldn't tempt the clubbing community towards the word 'survey' without you :-)

Feedback from German Trance Forum

Thanks to Tobi!
Trance Forum (in german!)

Feedback from Tobi

fromTobias Schuh (Cold Blue)
toRachel Dunscombe <>
date17 July 2011 12:35
subjectRe: Feeling music - email at last!

hide details 12:35 (23 hours ago)
Ok Rachel, here we go! :)

1) At my DJ gigs I ALWAYS use ear plugs (the custom ones). I would never turn on my headphones (which have to be really loud in order to beat the PA system) without having ear plugs in my ears.
I think loud music coming out of headphones (or even worse these little earphones) is the worst thing you can do to your ears, because the pressure on your ear-drum is at maximum then, no air left for your ear to breathe. (don't know if that's true, but it's how it feels to me)
Also as a guest on loud events I always bring the plugs with me and try to put them in as often as possible.
Only sometimes the music is just too good and I want to "feel" that loud.
As for my colleagues some do use ear plugs (I know it from Dennis Sheperd for example) but some don't (mostly the older guys in the scene, I often notice that they are even deaf, when talking to them).

2) Of course I "feel" the music I play. It makes me move, smile, being happy, just makes me feeling more than great. :)
I didn't yet really think about where I feel it tbh, probably all-out through my body. :)
But I definitely need my ears for the higher frequencies. :)

3) It sounds interesting! :) But I can't yet imagine how it would feel like and if it would compensate a lowering of the volume. Hope it will!

4) In general I think this idea will be very welcome in the scene for some people, because I often hear/read comments like "why the hell do they have to turn the volume up that high???".
I postet your survey on the german trance forum:
The response is quite good, people are interested!
But these guys are really into the scene. I don't know how you get the "mainstream" audience interested in this stuff. (do you even want that? what/who is your target group?)
If you got the time, contact as many people of that target group as you can (if possible even the influential ones, of course). I bet many of them are happy to help, because they all want to safe their ears, but also experience the music without any compromises.

5) Have just forwarded it to Sequentia (Daniel), and Dennis Sheperd. But will also try to contact Above & Beyond about that. Hope they will find the time to read my email. :)

6) Done!

7) Totally YES! Please keep me updated about it and let me know the dates, if you plan any events as you said, so I can try to make it possible to come over.

Hope this helps you! Let me know if I got any question wrong or didn't reply enough in detail or something. :)

Good luck, great project!!!!


Friday 15 July 2011

Brand - brain storm

Dazz came over for my tutorial / MA arse kicking last night.
Chatted about and decided best course of action for responding to Chris White, what to do about the meeting (I'm running out of work leave, using it all on meetings and interviews for my MA and trying to decide if it's worth another half day of leave being booked to meet Chris and Andy, vs speak to them on the phone)

Also spent a few hours brain cooking some words for potential branding ideas for my project.
Product name / campaign name?

Keep the Beat
Plug it in (Plugit earplugs / pulseplugs)
Protect your soundscape (play on landscape, use keep britain tidy illustrated man - displayed with fingers in ears instead, quote "keep the beat / keep the beat going"
Drum caps (play on 'skull candy')


Email to Chris White (RNID)

fromRachel Dunscombe
toChris White <>
date15 July 2011 09:33
subjectRe: "Don't Lose the Music" statistics / query
hide details 09:33 (0 minutes ago)
Hi Chris,

I'm very  happy to come in one afternoon to meet you both properly, so
we can have a proper chat, I feel you always get a better
understanding from meeting in person. Also, I was hoping to ask you a
few interview questions and also take a photo of you both (if you are
happy for me to of course) for my external sources/feedback profile
pages, which I am including in a brochure along with my final exhibit
this december. Therefore I will see if I can rearrange my meeting at
Ministry of Sound so I can meet and talk to you first, as I would like
to have as many up-to-date statistics as I can possibly get before my
meeting with them about my project and idea.

As for dates, next week is unfortunately quite busy for me to try and
get away as I have two visual workshops as well as interviews spread
out throughout the week right up until friday. So how are you both
planned for Monday 25th? Any time early afternoon to evening if that
suits better?
Otherwise if Andy isn't available on tuesdays (as I will be in london
on the 26th) then I can book an afternoon wednes - fri to come and see
you both, just let me know which works best for you and I will book
it. I should be able to get to you anywhere from about 2 - 2:30.
If you'd prefer to have a chat on the phone first, I can give you a
ring during my lunch hour any day next week?
Please advise what is best for your schedule.

Many thanks and I look forward to speaking with/meeting you soon :-)
All the best, Rachel.

Thursday 14 July 2011

Thankyou Tobi :-)

Email from Tobias Schuh (Cold Blue)

fromTobias Schuh (Cold Blue)
toRachel Dunscombe <>
date13 July 2011 14:10
subjectRe: Feeling music - email at last!
hide details 14:10 (21 hours ago)
Hi Rachel!

I did not forget you! :)
A Tobi-promise is a promise!

Though it's good that you hustle me, because I didn't know how quick you needed it, and I would probably do it on sunday, when I got more time.

Thanks for your wishes for my gig, it went out super well!!! :) Had a very very great time and it was really important for my DJ-career to get this one.

Just postet your link on FB and twitter, please let me know it it seems to help, so I can repeat this from time to time.

Will get back to you this weekend with the other answers, ok?



-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- From: Rachel Dunscombe
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 12:33 PM

Emails from Chris White (RNID)

fromChris White
toRachel Dunscombe <>
date8 July 2011 10:01
subjectRE: "Don't Lose the Music" statistics / query

Hi Rachel,

Thanks for your email, sounds like an interesting and worthwhile
project. I think it's definitely worth you speaking to Andy who is the
campaigner for it. He is actually at T in the Park for the campaign this
weekend and is answering his phone and emails very hit and miss at the
mo! I'm not in on Mon and Tues, so I will try and arrange an interview
time for later in the week for you to chat to Andy. I assume you can be
available pretty much anytime during the day?

If you've not heard from me say Wednesday afternoon, drop me a line, as
it maybe that Andy and I haven't been able to speak yet.

But we can resolve it one way or the other!


fromChris White
toRachel Dunscombe <>
date8 July 2011 10:02
subjectRE: "Don't Lose the Music" statistics / query

hide details 8 Jul (6 days ago)
Just heard back from Andy... can you do Thursday at midday?

fromRachel Dunscombe
toChris White <>
date12 July 2011 23:28
subjectRe: "Don't Lose the Music" statistics / query
hide details 12 Jul (2 days ago)
Hi Chris,

Apologies for the delay in my reply, I'm afraid I have only just
started catching up with my emails since I have been away.
Many thanks for your quick response, I'm afraid in regards to Thursday
- I am a part-time student and doing this MA around a full time job,
so generally I am only available on Tuesday afternoon - evenings as
this is the time I have alotted at work for my study and for me to
commute to London. Therefore I am afraid I wouldn't be able to make
this Thursday for a meeting as much as I would love to.
Would you be able to manage anything Tuesday next week? I finish work
at 12, so the earliest I could get in to London would be about 2 -
If Tuesdays are not possible however, if you can give me notice of a
date you can fit me in, I can organise something at work / book some
leave if necessary, so I can arrange something that works around you.

Many thanks again, and I apologise for not being able to make the
meeting this week.
Look forward to hearing from you,
All the best, Rachel.

fromChris White
toRachel Dunscombe <>
date14 July 2011 11:18
subjectRE: "Don't Lose the Music" statistics / query
hide details 11:18 (18 minutes ago)
Hi Rachel,

No problem, just very difficult to fit on when we only have a very set time, as Andy is quite a busy man! And sadly, I know for a fact that he's not in on Tuesday. If you can give me another day next week you could possibly do, then let me know. Also, please don't make the effort to come in, Andy can speak to you on the phone.
