Monday 18 July 2011

Feedback from Tobi

fromTobias Schuh (Cold Blue)
toRachel Dunscombe <>
date17 July 2011 12:35
subjectRe: Feeling music - email at last!

hide details 12:35 (23 hours ago)
Ok Rachel, here we go! :)

1) At my DJ gigs I ALWAYS use ear plugs (the custom ones). I would never turn on my headphones (which have to be really loud in order to beat the PA system) without having ear plugs in my ears.
I think loud music coming out of headphones (or even worse these little earphones) is the worst thing you can do to your ears, because the pressure on your ear-drum is at maximum then, no air left for your ear to breathe. (don't know if that's true, but it's how it feels to me)
Also as a guest on loud events I always bring the plugs with me and try to put them in as often as possible.
Only sometimes the music is just too good and I want to "feel" that loud.
As for my colleagues some do use ear plugs (I know it from Dennis Sheperd for example) but some don't (mostly the older guys in the scene, I often notice that they are even deaf, when talking to them).

2) Of course I "feel" the music I play. It makes me move, smile, being happy, just makes me feeling more than great. :)
I didn't yet really think about where I feel it tbh, probably all-out through my body. :)
But I definitely need my ears for the higher frequencies. :)

3) It sounds interesting! :) But I can't yet imagine how it would feel like and if it would compensate a lowering of the volume. Hope it will!

4) In general I think this idea will be very welcome in the scene for some people, because I often hear/read comments like "why the hell do they have to turn the volume up that high???".
I postet your survey on the german trance forum:
The response is quite good, people are interested!
But these guys are really into the scene. I don't know how you get the "mainstream" audience interested in this stuff. (do you even want that? what/who is your target group?)
If you got the time, contact as many people of that target group as you can (if possible even the influential ones, of course). I bet many of them are happy to help, because they all want to safe their ears, but also experience the music without any compromises.

5) Have just forwarded it to Sequentia (Daniel), and Dennis Sheperd. But will also try to contact Above & Beyond about that. Hope they will find the time to read my email. :)

6) Done!

7) Totally YES! Please keep me updated about it and let me know the dates, if you plan any events as you said, so I can try to make it possible to come over.

Hope this helps you! Let me know if I got any question wrong or didn't reply enough in detail or something. :)

Good luck, great project!!!!


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