Wednesday 27 July 2011

Exhibition meeting last night

Seemed quite hard work running the session last night... I'm getting the distinct feeling a lot of people are getting annoyed or frustrated, felt a bit like a fight wanting to break out on a few occasions.
Seriously thinking for the next meeting on August 9th to be the 'embracing negativity' session.
Confront the anger and the problems. Ask everyone to fill in a piece of paper with their main concern / problem regarding the exhibition planning to date. Who / what group it's aimed at. Is it a problem that can be answered and addressed there and then?
We need to confront these unspoken frustrations and anger so we can get out our feelings and learn how to move forward and also identify the main problems going on.
I also think it will be important for getting everyone to really 'engage' instead of the same old sit there and listen. People are coming to these meetings but very few seem to engage, this also needs addressing, or there really is no point in coming along in the first place.

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