Thursday 7 July 2011

Email to Chris White, "Don't Lose the Music"

from Rachel Dunscombe
date7 July 2011 20:04
subject"Don't Lose the Music" statistics / query

Dear Chris,

My name is Rachel Dunscombe and I’m doing my Masters in “Design
Studies, Applied Imagination” at London Arts University - Central
Saint Martins
For my MA, my project is specifically targeting the problem of hearing
damage in young clubbers, and how this can be reduced by re-imagining
a product such as
protection ear plugs, so it is more enjoyable for the user while not
reducing the actual experience and ‘feeling’ of the music

I phoned up and spoke to someone in your PR and campaigns office last
week and I was advised to contact yourself via email.
In order for me to further my research in order to develop my idea
further, I really need information on current statistics of hearing
damage  / loss in clubbers and people who attend loud music events. I
am currently doing my own survey to gather statistics, which I have
circulated to both clubbing community and professionals in the music
industry through my contacts both at Ministry of Sound and
professional DJs who are supporting my project.

I am also very interested to learn more of your "Don't Lose the Music"
campaign and was wondering if I could speak to anyone about it further
or possibly meet someone working on the campaign? I was also told on
the phone that Andy Glyde was working on this campaign with yourself,
so if one of you could spare some time to give me some more details it
would be very much appreciated.
I was also hoping I could ask for a copy of any of your most recent
reports about the exposure of loud music exposure at clubs and
concerts and how this has an effect on hearing damage in young people
/ clubbers.
Finally, I was wondering if Action on Hearing Loss / Don't Lose the
Music campaign would be interested in supporting / sponsoring my
project. If you would like to learn more of what I am doing, then
please drop me an email or give me a ring on 07932 651218, and I will
happily give you more details.

Please could you get back to me as soon as possible, within the next
week would be fantastic as I have a meeting with Ministry of Sound on
the 19th July and it would be really helpful to have the statistics
ready for that meeting.

I look forward to hearing from you.
Many thanks,
(I am out of the country from Saturday 9th - Monday 11th July, so
incase you try to contact/phone me, I will most likely not be
available between these dates.)

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