Friday 15 July 2011

Email to Chris White (RNID)

fromRachel Dunscombe
toChris White <>
date15 July 2011 09:33
subjectRe: "Don't Lose the Music" statistics / query
hide details 09:33 (0 minutes ago)
Hi Chris,

I'm very  happy to come in one afternoon to meet you both properly, so
we can have a proper chat, I feel you always get a better
understanding from meeting in person. Also, I was hoping to ask you a
few interview questions and also take a photo of you both (if you are
happy for me to of course) for my external sources/feedback profile
pages, which I am including in a brochure along with my final exhibit
this december. Therefore I will see if I can rearrange my meeting at
Ministry of Sound so I can meet and talk to you first, as I would like
to have as many up-to-date statistics as I can possibly get before my
meeting with them about my project and idea.

As for dates, next week is unfortunately quite busy for me to try and
get away as I have two visual workshops as well as interviews spread
out throughout the week right up until friday. So how are you both
planned for Monday 25th? Any time early afternoon to evening if that
suits better?
Otherwise if Andy isn't available on tuesdays (as I will be in london
on the 26th) then I can book an afternoon wednes - fri to come and see
you both, just let me know which works best for you and I will book
it. I should be able to get to you anywhere from about 2 - 2:30.
If you'd prefer to have a chat on the phone first, I can give you a
ring during my lunch hour any day next week?
Please advise what is best for your schedule.

Many thanks and I look forward to speaking with/meeting you soon :-)
All the best, Rachel.

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