Thursday 14 July 2011

Emails from Chris White (RNID)

fromChris White
toRachel Dunscombe <>
date8 July 2011 10:01
subjectRE: "Don't Lose the Music" statistics / query

Hi Rachel,

Thanks for your email, sounds like an interesting and worthwhile
project. I think it's definitely worth you speaking to Andy who is the
campaigner for it. He is actually at T in the Park for the campaign this
weekend and is answering his phone and emails very hit and miss at the
mo! I'm not in on Mon and Tues, so I will try and arrange an interview
time for later in the week for you to chat to Andy. I assume you can be
available pretty much anytime during the day?

If you've not heard from me say Wednesday afternoon, drop me a line, as
it maybe that Andy and I haven't been able to speak yet.

But we can resolve it one way or the other!


fromChris White
toRachel Dunscombe <>
date8 July 2011 10:02
subjectRE: "Don't Lose the Music" statistics / query

hide details 8 Jul (6 days ago)
Just heard back from Andy... can you do Thursday at midday?

fromRachel Dunscombe
toChris White <>
date12 July 2011 23:28
subjectRe: "Don't Lose the Music" statistics / query
hide details 12 Jul (2 days ago)
Hi Chris,

Apologies for the delay in my reply, I'm afraid I have only just
started catching up with my emails since I have been away.
Many thanks for your quick response, I'm afraid in regards to Thursday
- I am a part-time student and doing this MA around a full time job,
so generally I am only available on Tuesday afternoon - evenings as
this is the time I have alotted at work for my study and for me to
commute to London. Therefore I am afraid I wouldn't be able to make
this Thursday for a meeting as much as I would love to.
Would you be able to manage anything Tuesday next week? I finish work
at 12, so the earliest I could get in to London would be about 2 -
If Tuesdays are not possible however, if you can give me notice of a
date you can fit me in, I can organise something at work / book some
leave if necessary, so I can arrange something that works around you.

Many thanks again, and I apologise for not being able to make the
meeting this week.
Look forward to hearing from you,
All the best, Rachel.

fromChris White
toRachel Dunscombe <>
date14 July 2011 11:18
subjectRE: "Don't Lose the Music" statistics / query
hide details 11:18 (18 minutes ago)
Hi Rachel,

No problem, just very difficult to fit on when we only have a very set time, as Andy is quite a busy man! And sadly, I know for a fact that he's not in on Tuesday. If you can give me another day next week you could possibly do, then let me know. Also, please don't make the effort to come in, Andy can speak to you on the phone.


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