Wednesday 13 July 2011

Email to Svetlana, feedback profile!

fromRachel Dunscombe
toSvetlana Chebysheva <>
date13 July 2011 11:42
subjectsurvey link

hide details 11:42 (0 minutes ago)
Can you give it a go at firing this around any contacts you have from
your clubbing / dancing / fellow dancers at clubs?
I'm trying to think of bribery as the word survey to clubbing
community seems to fall like a lead weight!
But if you can tempt anyone to spare a minute to fill this in, that
would be fantastic!

Also, how would you feel about an interview?
Based on the general comments you got from others when you were in
Ibiza, also your own feedback about the use of plugs, feedback on the
project idea, just asking a few questions etc?
Also, do you have any printable quality photos of yourself working in
your element so to speak? ;-) I'm getting imagery of each of my
profiled contacts helping me who are in the industry, so your feedback
as a dancer who works in the clubbing scene would be a great new angle
to include alongside the DJs etc. I will be including the profile
pages of people I've talked to in my main exhibition stand catalogue
to support my project :-)

Thanks hugely and see you in TWO weeks :P
Rach x

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