Friday 15 July 2011

Brand - brain storm

Dazz came over for my tutorial / MA arse kicking last night.
Chatted about and decided best course of action for responding to Chris White, what to do about the meeting (I'm running out of work leave, using it all on meetings and interviews for my MA and trying to decide if it's worth another half day of leave being booked to meet Chris and Andy, vs speak to them on the phone)

Also spent a few hours brain cooking some words for potential branding ideas for my project.
Product name / campaign name?

Keep the Beat
Plug it in (Plugit earplugs / pulseplugs)
Protect your soundscape (play on landscape, use keep britain tidy illustrated man - displayed with fingers in ears instead, quote "keep the beat / keep the beat going"
Drum caps (play on 'skull candy')


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