Monday 15 August 2011

Email to Jono (A&B) re: survey support

Taken the brave pill and tried directly responding to Jono (of Above and Beyond) in regards to his comments that he responded to Tobi about my project.
I really hope there's enough interest from him that Above and Beyond might support my survey link and promote it on twitter / facebook etc, if they do I will definitely need to upgrade my survey monkey account! fingers crossed... as he took the time to read and respond to all those questions, that's my main hope I'm holding on to that he's interested enough to support my project one step further.

Rachel Dunscombe


15 August 2011 14:56

Feeling music - ear plugs - high volume at events - clubbing scene

Dear Jono,

Thankyou so much for taking some time to answer a few questions, Tobi
was kind enough to forward your response to me (he's been an
absolutely fantastic help and very supportive, an invaluable friend).
My name is Rachel Dunscombe and I am the MA student doing the project
about hearing loss and use of hearing protection in clubs ( studying
at London Arts, Central Saint Martins).

I am currently looking in to some new research in to getting a
prototype product developed and have a meeting lined up with the
Ministry of Sound in regards to their support and feedback. I also
have a meeting in the HSL research centre (in Buxton) with the head of
the sound and vibrations team next month to discuss my idea as it
hasn't been achieved before and they are very interested in helping,
so things are progressing very well so far.

I am still trying to gain information/statistics to support the
research behind my idea, specifically from the more 'hardcore'
clubbing community as this is my target audience. This is in regards
to my own research statistics about the attitude / awareness and use
of plugs when clubbing, duration and regularity of attendance and the
reactions to feeling music (following an interview with Markus Schulz
for the 20:20 exhibition at Ministry of Sound). Tobi has been
absolutely fantastic in helping me with promoting my survey / getting
the word around, and also told me that my idea has been getting very
big reactions and interest on the german trance forums where he posted
about it. Taking me a while to translate it all! I have also been in
touch with Action on Hearing Loss and had an interview with Andy Glyde
(head campaigner for 'don't lose the music') and he has explained to
me that there isn't any current data specifically from the clubbing
community as their campaign is targeting live music festivals, adding
that gaining accurate data from the clubbing community is much more
socially challenging than people attending a festival for example.
Therefore they were very interested in the results of my survey and
requested a copy. I have also been asked to publish my statistics by a
sound and vibrations consultant also a member of the institute of
acoustics, who wishes to include my findings in a conference, as
statistics in this area I am investigating is somewhat unknown.
Specifically by the HSE and HSL who are ultimately in charge of the
noise legislation.

Therefore in order to gain the most accurate information possible, I
was wondering if you might be interested in promoting the link to my
research survey via your online social media resources? Please feel
free to have a look yourself first, here is the link:
I am looking for as much data as possible, as obviously, the more
results I get from the clubbing community, the more useful and
accurate the results will be. And as you have unique and fantastic
access to a huge range of very dedicated trance music lovers and
clubbers, I was really hoping you might be interested in supporting my
research and promote the link online? Even a few hundred responses
would make a huge difference to my results and ultimately my project
and development of the prototype product.

If you wish to know more in regards to my project or idea first,
please let me know and I will be more than happy to forward you more
Many thanks again and I hope you are well :-)
Take care and all the best, Rachel.

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