Thursday 25 August 2011

Graphic Design support for exhibition

Email to Oliver Tomlinson, old work colleague who may be able to offer us some graphics support and whacking 'information design' for our brochure / invites :-) Can't hurt to ask. 

Hey ollyolly! How's the office in london going? :-)

I have a very little question for you ;-)
How much do you think tomlinson design might be interested in
providing a bit of graphics support for the *first* london arts
central saint martin's MA degree show, in the new 'creative centre' of
london? :D (Kings cross, brand new campus! I'm sure you're up to speed
on that news already as we've been hogging the press almost weekly I

As project manager for the exhibition (yep, I'm officially mad) I'm
trying to rally some serious design support for the exhibition guide,
special guest / VIP invites (serious design swank needed here to pull
in the interest and raise eyebrows) promotional campaign and both
large scale / miniature (back of brochure) map of exhibition floor
plan and location of stands (clear while also awesome 'information
design' needed, therefore of course you sprang to mind :P) I also had
a pretty successful sponsorship meeting with the creative director of
motion printing, who are interested in supporting us for a bit of
splashing their logo on the printed material.

Of course, any help you might be able to offer would of course mean we
could splash you some publicity and get your logo up - a bit of
marketing for you as unfortunately our exhibition bank account is
pretty light at the moment, we're still trying to rally more sponsors.
My next target is the new Renaissance hotel, as it has a brilliant
creative story attached to it and all that renovating has only
recently been finished. So it's a big new local business which I think
could be a fantastic support, as well as interested in the attention
the first degree show of the new london arts campus will be pulling
Thankfully we've also got £3000 worth of free advertising with CR and
access to their designers for our advertisements which is a godsend,
that will make a huge difference in the promotional campaign work and

I'm sure you're going to be silly busy, but I thought it would be
worth asking if you were interested in supporting us at all. Just
incase :-) anything you can spare time-wise would be a huge help as we
only have until the end of November to be ready to rock! I'm hoping to
get brochure design started by October at the latest, I'm already
trying to throw together a template for the meeting. This is all
bloody scary stuff.

Anyway, take care and hope you're doing okay :-)
Let me know if you want more specific details about anything. There's
so much going on I didn't want to swamp you in one email.
Rach xx

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