Wednesday 10 August 2011

PM will be the death of me

This project managing business is going to kill me.
Just today has consisted / will consist of:

1> Basecamp. Deadline (monday 15th) for PT student photos to be emailed to me for the photo wall, I made a deadline this monday and out of 19 students I only got 4 responses....
2> Emailed Santiago for his photo as obviously he wasn't present for this years FT cohort photo session at the beginning of the year due to being in the 2010 cohort originally and joining 2011 cohort later on in the year.
3> Emailed the curatorial and marketing reps asking for an up-to-date budget
4> Having a meeting with dad at 5:30 this evening as he is helping me have a look at the exhibition online account and the budgets (he used to be head of finance for Rover and in charge of all their budgets) so his advice would no doubt be invaluable.
5> I will then be having a phone meeting with Pete Otto to discuss finance points raised by my dad and the state of the account. So far, no budgets have been sent :-( only seem to have 1 up to date budget which is Venue team. Extremely overpriced by the looks of it too.

I can't cope, thinking of so many different problems at once, not to mention all the chaos with my project too.... and lets not get in to personal life insanity :-( really really can't cope with all this. I'm going to break soon.

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