Thursday 25 August 2011

Tuesday 23rd - Motion printing meeting & brochure design meeting

Really helpful and positive meeting with Rebecca Hyde (Creative Director of Motion Printing) agreed to sponsor/support our exhibition printing needs at cost only as long as we represent their logo.
Got some samples, and came away with a great folding idea to have a different yet cost reducing exhibition brochure / guide. Also, thermo print for my business cards on exhibition stand will be a must have! £150 for 200 double sided :D expensive... but will be worth it - looks fantastic, lovely shiny touch feel. Very sound :-) 

(Attendees: Rachel, Bushra, Julia, Gary, *oh god can't remember her name! indian FT lady... vinnie? apoorva?*) 

Brochure design notes as of last night. 
Taking in to account it needs to be cost effective. Remember we are looking at batch producing about 1000 of these on a print run. Need to be realistic! But appreciate that it also needs to be something different (experimental?!) and also informative / simple / clear to understand. Exhibition guides are always books of some sort, so we are exploring something different while also being cost effective. 
It's purpose really is clear information design! What is in the exhibition and where it is. We are not looking at making a return out of this, so it needs to be practical. Save the extremely awesome clever (expensive) stuff for the limited print run of special guest / VIP invites (few hundred tops) as this will be a much smaller print run and is doing the job of attracting the attention of the important and hugely valued industry professionals. Crazy awesome ideas welcome. 
A2 double sided (4 fold in to to A5 document)
150gsm silk (not too shiny / too much gloss, nice smooth touch finish, also not too heavyweight paper as it needs to fold multiple times without 'cracking' on the folds)
Action: Rachel to draft layout template and sample content for visual feedback asap
(SIDE 1)
Front cover (A5 outer): cover design, logo, sponsors (possibly thermo print or spot UV varnish for highlighting logo elements / title - finances depending!! as the state of the account is pretty worrying - please PLEASE pay in your £50 to the exhibition account in order to help cover all these costs for making your stand look consistently branded and awesome, and approach those sponsors!) Reminder of account details:
Sort Code: 08 92 99
Account Number: 65484205
Name: Applied Imagination Exhibition
Back cover (A5 outer): map of room layout / floor plan and stand numbers
Inside (6xA5 sides to open out): student list consisting of the following per student: student image, name, stand no, research question.
(SIDE 2) 
entire foldout (8xA5 sides - total A2 spread): designed periodic table "poster" representing the groups  / students, exhibition name and logo. Arty and wow, look awesome needed by designer. 
Action: Decision needed (please give feedback and comments)
option a: Full colour 
(re: the room guide / layout map, do we want to group the different project types together and people represented as different colour groups / display on room plan guide / map on periodic table? easy examples being economic projects = green, technology and industrial = grey, outside the box ungroupables / unpredictable elements = red etc etc. OR - do we not want to be too colour busy if this will also be the colours representing stands? Instead do we want to focus mainly on the orange in huns designs for theme? therefore organise groups just in number sequence and placement in room?) 
option b: 2 Colour 
(black/white & fluorescent e.g. pantone 804 to make the orange a 'wow factor' attention grabbing and really stand out) This would also be cheaper than full colour. But obviously would not be able to represent the groups in colours on the floorplan map (will be on the back of the brochure) therefore groups would need to be number coded. Also student head and shoulder photo/image thumbnails used in the student project list to represent each student would need to be in b&w, but this can often make photos look much better too ;-) Also, stand number and student name could really jump out at you by being in the pantone 804 fluorescent.  
Student photos / image. CALLING SKILLED DRAWERS
As an alternative to photography, the idea was suggested that if anyone very skilled in drawing on the course would be interested in doing an artistic impression / drawing of each student, then this could be used instead of a photo. A different and unique touch. It would also be a *huge* opportunity to get your drawings both in to the brochure for each student as well as potentially on large scale vinyl statics going ceiling to floor for each exhibition stand (consisting of student name, exhibition logo, stand number and graphic which is a half face of the student bleeding off the edge of the design - @Pete Otto, have you chased glyfix yet?) Therefore if anyone is interested and has a sample of their drawing work to show, get in touch asap! 
Volunteered design team so far: (WE NEED MORE HELP) 
Rachel (support)
(please get in touch if you have some design skill and can offer some desperately needed support! We also need designers for special guest invites (*serious* design swank and wow bloody awesome factor needed for these! to attract and pull in the special guests! if you are hoping to get some job/placement offers out of this MA, you really should consider this a priority) promotional flyers to hand out, exhibition branded stand postcards (see MA Textile Futures 2011 for example) so volunteers are desperately needed to support curatorial and the design team) 

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