Monday 8 August 2011


Spent sunday afternoon working on the group structure and naming all the laminated A4 photos with 'full name' and 'known as' name, overly complicated. Reminded me of examiner Dennis's conversation with me on the way back to the tube station, about students not putting the name on their exhibition boards that is actually their real name going on their Masters certificate, instead putting what they would call themselves. Which made examining the work impossibly complicated as the examiners can't find the correct name on the work that they have on their list to assess (which is full name going on the certificate!)
Must re-iterate this point at meeting (attention: curatorial?)

Had two more photos sent to me from PT students, Julia and Gayle, that's 5 down, still 14 more not responded with a photo yet - blank bits of paper with a shadow and person's name I think can represent the people who still need to get a photo to me. As I know I won't have everyone's photo for tomorrow meeting.

So busy with project managing and exhibition stuff I've still not had a chance to work on my own project.... really stressed and feeling behind again.

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