Thursday 18 August 2011


So... *insanely* busy, I barely even have time to update the blog, let alone write any journal.
Was sick on monday evening, tuesday evening I was in the studio early: first filming the walk to the studio for marketing, then spending 2 hours setting up the photo wall and rearranging the room (abdul had blocked our exhibition wall with a studio photo set activity he has been doing in our room, I had to move it) before people arrived, getting prepared for the meeting at 6 which I ran, and was very successful - especially using the negativity activity to engage people. Wednesday was double finance meetings for the exhibition, I was up so late working on exhibition planning and the finance database that I slept through all three of my alarms to go to work today, arrived late :-( This evening is my first social evening and I don't even feel I have time for it as I'm so behind. Friday will be solid work on my project. Updating journal, sketch artefact build plans (how to *communicate* my product idea, need Tom Gunston to help write out audio requirements to forward to my communication to Reality DJ sonic experience app writers in london) and ideally start the layout of my bibliography! Need help with the harvard referencing. Also, need to start re-writing my question and WWHI proforma. So, I doubt I will get to bed before midnight on friday, if not working through to saturday morning. Then sleeping if I'm lucky.

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