Thursday 4 August 2011


Hey guys.

Sorry to mail everyone like this, but I'm currently working on getting
all the student photos printed on A4 and laminated for constructing
the group structure wall for next weeks session (6pm in the studio,
exhibition meeting on Tuesday 9th) Abdul gave me the CD last week with
the photos he took of everyone on FT and PT at the beginning of the
year, but he's only included the small web gif images for PT! Dammit.
So if each of you could *please* email me a decent quality mug shot
(head and shoulders kind of thing) that I can print on A4 that would
be hugely helpful, otherwise I won't have any images to play include
of PT students, other than what I can hunt down in people's facebook
photo albums which could be risky :P and I'm afraid I lack the time to
dig properly.
If you could please get a photo to me before the beginning of next
week, this will give me time to do the printing and laminating.

for anyone who hasn't seen this yet, please make sure you have checked
the following sponsorship documents asap. Everyone has been assigned a
sponsor on the sponsorship list to make contact with this month and
find out if they are interested in sponsoring the exhibition. If you
wish to replace your assigned sponsor with a different one, make sure
you update the sponsorship list with any companies / individuals you
approach so nobody else goes for the same one.



Many thanks, hope to see people next week :-)

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