Friday 5 August 2011

RESEARCH EVENT: HSL in Buxton, Derby

Contact made through my meeting last Thursday with Tom Gunston at VJ Technology.
He strongly advised I spoke to someone at Health and Safety Laboratories regarding the research side of my project, and specifically Liz Brueck who is a scientist on the Noise and Vibration team.
My project is now taking me all the way up to Derby for the day!
Currently looking at 2nd September as the sooner I can visit HSL the better I think, hope I can clear the leave with work as the 'new job' starts on the 1st September.

Hello Rachel,

Thank you for your phone call.  It would be great to see you.  I'm not
available on the following days: August 12, 18, 19, and 29, and September
17 to 24. Regarding getting to us you will find instructions on our website

If you want to avoid driving you could take a train to Macclesfield and we
could arrange for a free pick up and return journey for you.  That's much
quicker than taking the train all the way to Buxton.  Just let me know your
train times.

Liz Brueck
Senior Noise Scientist
Noise and Vibration Team
Health and Safety Laboratory
Harpur Hill
Derbyshire  SK17 9JN
Tel 01298 218387
Fax 01298 218395

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