Tuesday 9 August 2011

Like it Loud report

Email to Andy Glyde (Senior Campaigner for 'Don't Lose the Music', Action on Hearing Loss) after phone interview from 1:00 pm - 1:40 pm. 

"Like it Loud report arrived safe and sound. Thankyou again for your
time Andy, was very helpful. I will look forward to the 2010
statistics document, it will mainly be for my own reference which I
will include references to specific statistics in my research. So
don't worry too much about the document being too raw / needing to be
tidied, I wouldn't want to take up any more of your time and I will
happily read and pick through the data stacks.
Also, here is the link I told you about, dated March 22nd 2011,
referring to the RNID report (second paragraph) so any news on that
would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks again, and I will be in touch with you later about the
2011 statistics.
All the best,

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